When you introduce the rice pudding your childhood to Les 2 Marmottes Strong Spicy Tea, you get a recipe that's as tasty as it is seasoned. It's on!
This recipe, which will remind you of the iconic Chai Tea flavours, has more than one trick up its sleeve.
Gourmet, generous, and full of flavours, it rouses childhood memories and delivers a taste of home on your spoon!
Its secret lies in the sweetness of the rice, which is slowly cooked in sweet milk. But it's also the spiced aspect, which is a little unexpected but takes this recipe to a whole new level.
In a tornado of warmth and flavour, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, liquorice, black pepper, and cloves combine to spice up the milk. The balance of sweetness, fullness, and spice is simply perfect. Just what the doctor ordered for a dessert or a snack, to be served of course with a 2 Marmottes Black Tea.
Comfort guaranteed.
- 160g round rice (the kind of rice is very important)
- 1L organic milk
- 10 100% Organic Strong Spicy Teabags
- 80-100g sugar.
1- Start by rinsing the rice in clean water.
2- Then, boil for 2 minutes in water and drain.
3- Grab another saucepan to heat the milk. Add the Strong Spicy Teabags and leave them to infuse in the milk while the temperature rises.
4- When the milk begins to simmer, remove the tea bags and pour in the rice immediately (As we always say, boiled milk is ruined milk!). »)
5- Leave to cook gently, stirring occasionally.
6- When the rice has almost absorbed all the milk, add the sugar and continue cooking until all the milk has been absorbed.
7- And a sprinkling of cinnamon for decoration.